Team Rowland began in 2017 with the goal to put money into the hands of scientists who are researching a cure for Parkinson’s disease and organizations helping to improve the lives of people affected by Parkinson’s disease. Since then, the Rowland family and countless supporters have raised over 1.3 million dollars for the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research and the Parkinson Association of Alabama to help eradicate Parkinson’s disease.

The Parkinson Association of Alabama is proud to continue this fantastic tradition and invites you to join us for the 2024 Team Rowland Event series. Last year we raised over $25,000 and we hope this year is even more successful!
Golf, Ride, Stroll, Volunteer, Sponsor, Cheer - there is something for everyone!
7:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m
Player Check-In
All players must check-in. Breakfast and coffee are available for grab-and-go.
8:00 a.m.
Practice Putting Green - Behind the Clubhouse
Course Rules & Group Photos
All players must gather for local course rules and group photos.
8:15 a.m.
Starting Tee Box
Tee Box Departure
Depart for your starting Tee Box.
8:30 a.m.
Golf Course
Shotgun Start
After Play
Pro Shop
Scorecard Submission
Turn in your team scorecard.

$500/team | $125/person
4-person scramble | Individuals will be matched with a team
Registration Options:
Sign up as an individual (to be placed with a team) or as a team of 4
Cash Prizes for Top 3 Teams:
1st Place: $600 | 2nd Place: $500 | 3rd Place: $400
Included for Players:
Gift Bags | Breakfast & Lunch | Prizes | Beverage Cart | Games & MORE
Fun Extras:
Mulligans | Roll the Dice on a Par 5 | Putting Green Split-the-Pot | Longest Drive Award | Closest to the Pin Award

Have Any Questions?
For assistance or questions, reach out to Kim Warren:
Email: kim@parkinsonalabama.org
Phone: (256) 404-2432
Team Rowland began in 2017 in Greenville, SC, at the Tour de Fox Blue Ridge. Since then, we’ve grown to over 150+ riders, 50 volunteers, and 1000+ donors with one clear goal: Eradicate Parkinson's disease from the face of the planet. We have ridden thousands of miles and raised over $1,230,000 for the Michael J. Fox Foundation and expect this year’s ride to be our biggest yet!
Oak Mountain State Park | 30-mile, 15-mile, 10-mile, 5-mile, & 1-mile Roll & Stroll

7:00 a.m.
Fishing Center Pavillion at North Gate
Volunteer Registration + Setup
8:00 a.m.
Fishing Center Pavillion at North Gate
30-mile, 15-mile, 10-mile, 5-mile, and Stroll & Roll Registration Opens
8:45 a.m.
Fishing Center Pavillion Parking Lot
Opening Ceremonies
9:00 a.m.
Fishing Center Pavillion Parking Lot
Stroll & Roll Start
9:15 a.m.
Fishing Center Pavillion Parking Lot
30-Mile Start
9:45 a.m.
Fishing Center Pavillion Parking Lot
15-Mile Start
10:15 a.m.
Archery Center Parking Lot
5-Mile & 10-Mile Start
11:00 a.m.
Fishing Center Pavillion at North Gate
Post-Ride Celebration w/ Lunch & Music

30-Mile, 15-Mile, 10-Mile, 5-Mile, 1-Mile Roll & Stroll
Course Variety:
Flat straightaways to rolling hills—there’s a course to accommodate riders of all ages and skill levels. The 1-Mile Stroll & Roll allows everyone to join in the fun, even if a long bike ride isn't for you.
Course Map:
Check out the course map [here].
What's Included:
Breakfast | Lunch | Prizes | Music

The Parkinson Association of Alabama always partners with the Michael J. Fox Foundation for the Ride to Eradicate Parkinson's. For clarification, registration fees go to MJFF, and additional donations go to PAA. No matter where the money goes, we are all working together to fund research to eradicate Parkinson's disease.

Have Any Questions?
For assistance or questions, reach out to Amy Benson:
Email: amy@parkinsonalabama.org
Phone: (205) 482-3450