Moving Day is an inspiring and empowering annual fundraising walk event that united people in Northeast Alabama with Parkinson's disease (PD), their care partners and loved ones, to help beat PD. Moving Day is more than just a walk. It's a celebration of movement - proven to help manage Parkinson's symptoms.
Leading up to the event, participants and teams fundraise to help the Parkinson's Foundation provide everything people with Parkinson's need to live better - from lifesaving resources to delivering quality care to more than 12,000 people living with Parkinson's in Alabama.
Supporters from the Northeast Alabama area and beyond came together on Saturday, November 5th to help the Parkinson's Foundation amplify Parkinson's awareness, raise funds, and educate all in attendance. The event was organized and chaired by Katie Fordham, an advocate living with Young Onset Parkinson's in the Anniston area. Katie is passionate about funding and driving awareness to Parkinson's, and this year, more than 13 teams were recruited - helping them to meet their goal of raising funds for more than $30,000.
During the program, four stories were highlighted representing journeys for those currently living with PD, care partners of PD, and service providers working hard to help improve the quality of life for those living with PD. Ribbons were waved in honor and memory demonstrating support for loved ones who have been or are currently on this journey.
The Parkinson Association of Alabama was joined by many other representatives who serve the community - providing much needed educational resources and sustenance for the day's fun-filled event.
The Parkinson Association of Alabama would like to thank Katie Fordham, Stacey Faber, and the many volunteers that came out to support the walk and helping them to achieve their goal.